By Anonymous - 10/12/2009 09:29 - United States

Today, during a review session for a botany class, I began to space out. Then, I started to go, "beep, beep, beep, beep." I stopped when I noticed the entire class staring at me as if I were insane. This was not the first time this had happened. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 347
You deserved it 36 836

Same thing different taste

Top comments

DeeArr 0

Sounds like you're secretly a robot. Let me take this opportunity to recommend that you don't destroy humanity.


thattickles 0

Oh crap, these sort of things happen to me. Example, I was reading a magazine and my brother was sitting next to me and I wen "doo dah doo" and he started laughing, I asked what was so funny, he said the noise I made, I didn't even realize I made a noise. Another time, I was waiting for someone, and they come up to me and ask, "are you dancing?" and starts copying my movements. I wasn't dancing, I didn't even realize I was ddoing anything.

My old physics teacher used to do that. Once randomly sat down and started making fire engine noises in the middle of class.

i woulda been laughing like crazy lmao!

I do that alot, but instead of beeping, I laugh.

Spitfire_fml 0

This guy is not crazy, he does not have tourettes; he was just bored out of his ******* mind. That sounds like somethin I would totally do because most of the time I'm bored out of my mind in class and I usually start making whale noises (don't ask). He might just have ADD or ADHD, that's what I have.

evilwaffles 0

SO, u must have used da green house den, im wid u man, weed all da way.

LOLOL this is something me or my cousin would do. in fact my cousin did do this once hahaa

bxenon 0