By Kylie - 26/01/2010 16:13 - United States

Today, at work at daycare, this kid was coughing really bad, so I put my hand in front of his mouth in case he was choking on something so he could spit it out. But nope he wasn't choking, he was sick. He puked right into my hands. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 005
You deserved it 28 635

Same thing different taste

Top comments

so having a kid spit up some mystery object in your hand is okay, but puke isn't...

So when a kid may be choking, your first reaction is to stick your hand in their face instead of, you know, trying to save their life? It sucks that you were puked on, but it wouldn't have sucked more if the boy died. Plus, you work at a daycare, this is almost inevitable.


Really, its a funny story, read it laugh or don't then move on. I have been puked on several times, i have worked at this daycare for 3 years. I"ve seen it all. Kids eat their own poop. puking, spit up. kids have seizures. And I love my job and the people that I work with. I will have kids one day and i will love parenthood. But don't be so negative

Really, its a funny story, read it laugh or don't then move on. I have been puked on several times, i have worked at this daycare for 3 years. I"ve seen it all. Kids eat their own poop. puking, spit up. kids have seizures. And I love my job and the people that I work with. I will have kids one day and i will love parenthood. But don't be so negative

My mum works at a daycare and she been through WORSE! So don't think we should all feel sorry for you Honey! Yeah, I went there!

hassenpfeffermmm 0

That's a good thing because it never hit the floor.

adaliapeace 3

I don't think this qualifies for an "FML." The fact of the matter is, you are working at a daycare, which involves (obviously) interacting throughout the day with small children. Having your hand thrown up in is one of the less horrible things that could happen. He could have thrown up on your face, while your mouth was open, or something along those lines. Get over it. You should have known your job entailed taking risks like this before you even applied for it. You deserved it.

What if the original poster worked at a construction site? Would she "deserve it" if a 100 ton beam fell on her head and killed her, just because "those are the risks"?

I would say spit covered lego rather than vomit.

odd_one23 4
Bitcheslovetoast 0

OP deverves it for clearly trying to help the child ?