By juggalomurderer59 - 12/11/2014 16:00 - United States

Today, at the gym, some muscle head idiot started yelling at the treadmill for not going fast enough, and I muttered "roid rage". Apparently said roids give him superhuman hearing, because he heard me from the other side of the room, and threatened to kill me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 787
You deserved it 9 522

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Because treadmills will go faster if you yell at them.

Don't worry. The treadmill will keep him running in place, and he'll never reach you no matter how slow you run.


"Yea I do steroids, I eat that shit for breakfast lunch and dinner" -my new haircut

Cramp up the speed on that treadmill! He's gaining on you!!!

Report the clown to security and/or management and have his ass tossed out..

baby come back I promise I won't give you food poisoning.

This is why you should never say negative things about other people out loud unless you are sure they aren't even in the same room or building as you.

I often find that my tread mill just needs to be told off to go faster...

Treadmills are a lot of running for nothing...he could have just gone to a high school track to run