By jrocks - 19/05/2009 17:06 - United States

Today, as I was watching a DVD, I noticed a spider crawling on my crotch area. So, I panicked and smashed the spider, smashing my nuts in the process. FML
I agree, your life sucks 19 880
You deserved it 70 615

Same thing different taste

Top comments

breenarae25 0

that's why u FLICK it , not smack it... duhh

Trevv 0

You'd be amazed at how stupid people can be... This is nothing.


#28 being kicked or "smashed" there doest make you infertile. so all those "now you cant have kids" jokes are completly false. so #28 you should worry less about other people and more about getting your facts right

Looks like all spiders crawl on crotches. Need a trim?

#11 I did indeed mean that i suppose i probably should have just said "verb" tho. But whatever.

deedeegirl 0

Maybe you panicked becuz it's the closest thing to ever get near your crotch

Unless it was a black widow you there no excuse for that..

brittbrittT 0

who wants to bet that you missed the spider?

hopefully you became sterile. that's what's known as natural selection.