By Jules7594 - 12/06/2015 13:02 - United States - Wellesley Hills

Today, an ultrasound tech complimented me on my "exceptionally full bladder". That's probably the best compliment I've received this week. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 109
You deserved it 2 381

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Same thing has happened to me too OP. He kept saying what a full bladder I had the entire ******* time. It was annoying and painful since he was pressing down on it since he was performing the ultrasound on my pelvic area.

mds9986 24


Oh that happened to me too! It's better for the bladder to be fuller when you have to have a ultrasound. I just told the technician that if she pressed any more on my stomach that my bladder wouldn't be full anymore :'D Didn't help that my daughter kept kicking the hell out of my bladder either.

johncanact 13

Well hey your attitude's already improving. :')