By arsewipe92 - 30/08/2009 04:16 - United States

Today, after two years of dating, I gave my virginity to my boyfriend on my birthday. It wasn't at all like I dreamed about; I dreamt that I wasn't allergic to latex. FML
I agree, your life sucks 58 476
You deserved it 5 523

arsewipe92 tells us more.

Boy, was my first time memorable. Still, when I recover, it's all bareback for me, I guess. :/

Top comments

Ouch, that must have sucked. However, (you may well know this already) you can get latex-free condoms. Now that you know you're allergic, I'd look into getting some if I were you.

wheeliegirl95 13

While I personally have made the decision not to have sex yet, so I haven't looked into condoms, I'm sure there are some kinds that are non-latex. Don't have to go bareback... the non-latex ones may be harder to find, but I'm sure they're out there.


Just remember, it could have been worse. It always can :P

lolsan 0

Aww, I'm allergic to latex too D:

Welcome to sex! I hope you gave the guy a ******* as a consolation prize.

bexox 0

I hope he went down on HER as a birthday/get-well present!

Oh no, what an awful first experience :( FYL for sure!

#15 seriously WHAT the heck is that supposed to mean?? it's a sign that he isn't the right one because she's allergic to latex? where the hell does your logic come from? OP, never use latex condoms. The solution is THAT simple. don't listen to these misty-eyed morons telling you to DUMP HIM (wtfwtfwtfwtf?!). that's completely stupid and defies all logic and reason. Use a latex-free brand, or if he's good at self-control (and the two of you have clean blood) just get him to pull out ... or get birth control or something. there are more contraceptive methods than just condoms. oh god I just can't get over that one; 'maybe it's a sign he isn't the right one' :O oh dear, you're allergic to latex. dump every boyfriend you have sex with from now on :O obviously somebody here has some growing up IN THE HEAD to god...

Nobodies first time is perfect, actually, most first times turn in a funny story, just like yours. In my case, the condom was too small, and I didn't feel a thing (and I didn't come ofcourse) At least your problem can be helped with different kinds of condoms, imagine being one of those people who doesn't enjoy sex, or someone with a small penis, those problems can't be helped by something you can buy in a store (no matter how many emails you get that say otherwise)

bexox 0

Agreed. I never dreamed my ex would whimper like a dying dog in sex when I lost my virginity to him, but that's how it happens.