By DemonicDummy - 05/01/2017 05:06

Today, after smoking, I sat down to watch Supernatural with my young cousin. I accidentally let out a burp during a demonic possession scene and, to our surprise, smoke came out of my mouth. Now there's a crying 11-year-old hiding somewhere in the house with salt. Mom will be home in 5 minutes. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 683
You deserved it 2 703

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Welp, you have no choice but to stage your own exorcism, writhe around on the floor, and pretend to be rid of that cursed demon.

You should be glad he didn't use any of the other methods Sam and Dean have tried over the years .


<p>I'm really curious to know what you were eating or drinking prior that made smoke come out of your mouth. ....funny as hell though. XD</p>

jyessss 0

That kids way too old to get that scared

<p>Quick! Go grab some split pea soup for the Encore!</p> <p>&nbsp;</p>

Who said they were smoking with the kid? Maybe OP stepped outside for like 30 seconds and then came back in.

amelitaliz 22

It doesn't sound like the smoked around the 11 year old, just did right before coming in to watch the show. They may have been smoking weed, not cigarettes. I have acid reflux and sometimes a few minutes after I enjoy a bowl, I burp up smoke like some kind of dumbass dragon. Here's to hoping it's not cigs :) though of course, to each their own. ✌️

<p>One of the few FMLs that genuinely made me giggle out loud.</p>

<p>This is not bad at all, actually this is amazing.&nbsp;<img src="../lib/tinymce/plugins/emoticons/img/smiley-laughing.gif" alt="laughing" /></p>

That gullible at eleven? I was obsessed with Supernatural when I was ten and I don't remember ever being like that... Either way, if they're like that, you shouldn't have let them watch it.