By Noname - 08/02/2009 01:23 - United States

Today, after leaving a store I got stuck at a red light. A car pulled up next to me and there was a half retarded man jerking his junk at me. Nasty image burned into my corneas forever. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 184
You deserved it 3 871

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You don't have to go all crazy on her; maybe the OP already reported this to the police, if she felt the need to. You don't have to beat her down to the ground, she's probably scarred already. & by the way, worst is incorrect. worse, would be appropriate, thankyouverymuch.


I agree with mike (#18). YDI for thinking an image could get burned into your corneas insteated of retinas (retinae? lol) @All the idiots flipping out about OP's use of the word "retard": Chill out! It's not that big of a deal, seriously. At one point that was an actual medical term, what's changed except for more political correctness? Grow up and stop being so sensitive.

How can you be half retarded . . . ?

hey, retarded is an unfortunate word for people with a mental illness. they don't know what they are doing is wrong by our standerds.

There's a reason why they sell guns in America.

bobateme. I'm pretty sure that u should finish reading a comment before u reply. the person u replied to said exactly what you said. so don't go telling someone off if you have no idea wtf you're talking about. k? thanks.

ihatecake 0

how is it possible to be half retarded? unless he/she means it figuratively of course.

I hope she meant physically cuz calling a mentally challenged person retarded is mean?