By Anonymous - 02/09/2012 23:47 - United States

Today, after a visit with my mom, I started feeling sick. I meant to send her a text asking if she had gotten sick lately, but I accidentally sent a text asking if she had gotten dick lately. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 501
You deserved it 5 376

Same thing different taste

Top comments


this isn't exactly the most important part of it but you don't get sick immediately after being in contact with someone whose sick. it takes 3 days for symptoms to present themselves, just thought you should know

It actually depends on what the sick person had. Some sicknesses have a longer or shorter incubation period of 3 days. It's possible to get sick within 24 hours of coming in contact with a sick person.

Depends on the type of sick...maybe OP meant food poisoning rather than a cold.

Maybe Rison, and that was the last FML ever, from this OP.

BlackBlazeCobra 16

Damn you autocorrect! Seriously this should have been on that website instead.

davek 36

Whoever invented autocorrect is a ducking aunt.

XxVulcanxX 0

wtf u did deserve it why r people so goddamn stupid and sympithetic these days!?

This is fml.. don't come on here to not expect people searching for sympathy -.-

hisgirlherboy 5

Gosh, who pissed in your cornflakes?

hopsinlove17 26

So dick is more common than sick in your phone? Interesting.

ashtonlm 3

And that op is an excellent reason to always check what u txt b4 u send it I hope that u didn't get a response fyl op

InsaneBolt 7

Autocorrect could've played a role, but the S is right next to the D so I could see how you could accidentally text 'dick' instead of 'sick.'

wildsweetchild 19

I'm more interested in what was her response, though it would have been even more interesting to watch her reaction. :)