By explodingpupppet - 30/09/2009 16:41 - United States

Today, after a month of searching, I found a perfect apartment which I rented out for the next few months. The rent was inexpensive and the place was close to my job. Turns out, my 'perfect' new apartment overlooks a nudist community. FML
I agree, your life sucks 17 561
You deserved it 36 916

Same thing different taste

Top comments

dude! whats not perfect about that? some people would pay extra!

That's not really a FML, unless you're a prude.


Solstice0100 0
Eelusive 0
ultraslick 0

Only a woman would complain about that

I'd say get window sill planter boxes, but by the time they grow and bloom, you'll be desensitiezed to cellulite, body fat and wrinkles. Then again, I have trouble accepting that there's an apt bldg. next to a nudist community.

freddie_fml 0

So get some sturdy window finishings and quit bitching.