By UnluckyGroom - 09/06/2012 23:04 - United States - East Wenatchee

Today, after a long night of partying, I fell asleep, while my bride was delivering her vows. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 139
You deserved it 59 680

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Just because it is a bachelors party it doesn't mean you should go out and get so overly drunk you have issues the following day. Do people forget they have to stand, infront of hundreds of people in some cases, and get married? YDI completely, hopefully you can come up with a good excuse to your new wife. I feel really bad for her.


Llama_Face89 33

"UnluckyGroom"? Yea **** that, you're a douche bag. YDI

12inchDeke 4

Way to ruin the best day of your life, ass.

This is why you don't have the bachelor party the night before the wedding!

P1Nk13 7

wow. ydi. good job at ruining the wedding. good luck making that up to her.

anarchistpunk 3

You're an asshole, dude. You shouldn't have partied so hard knowing you were going to get married the next day.

Someone's not getting any on the wedding night!!!

CoyBrunette 4

I give your marriage 5 years, tops.

That's why my ex-wife made me have a bachelor party 3 weeks before the wedding.

This is why you don't have stags and stagettes the night before the wedding anymore... Stupid!