By Anonymous - 11/12/2015 00:10 - United States - Persia

Today, a woman who I have spoken to approximately twice in my life, asked me out. I turned her down in the most harmless way I could. Three hours later, I found my car keyed and my windshield wipers gone. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 312
You deserved it 2 024

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well at least you avoided dating that! I hope that's the extent of her craziness though.

You have her number. Find her address and report it to the police.


oh well at least she gets ure phone number now :)

Thats not the point though. The door is right there sir -----[]

ber4fun 23

Why would this make OP give out his number? the damage is already done and hopefully it doesn't continue.

because OP probably wants to fill in the insurance papers ?

"Whom" is used after a preposition. God damn.

Oh c'mon it was funny. Just a joke relax people.

by all means do not take any action, because shit happens.

Did he say "don't take action because s*** happens"? No. All of your comments are criticism towards others. Get a life.

Well at least you avoided dating that! I hope that's the extent of her craziness though.

You have her number. Find her address and report it to the police.

I think she took revenge in the most harmless way she could..

Llama_Face89 33

HARMLESS?!! Messing with a man's car is lower than low! If I were op I'd rather the psycho straight up stab me than mess with my baby...

Eyalsh 32

""you don't **** with another man's automobile. you just don't do it; it's against the rules." -vincent vega, pulp fiction.

54: 7 was being sarcastic and using a play on words

KhaleesiDannie 26

She's been watching you from afar building up this amazing relationship in her head and you went and ruined it OP shame on you*sarcasm font*

I was gonna downvote but you were being sarcastic. So I laughed.

At least you can tell the police who it was...

Better off you're not with that psychopath for even a day