By lekijkerd - 17/11/2012 13:56 - Netherlands - Leusden

Today, I went to see my favorite band. It was all amazing and great until I decided to go crowd surfing. I was maybe too heavy because people jumped away instead of catching me. I fell right on my tailbone. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 698
You deserved it 32 366

Same thing different taste

Top comments

xXHollowIchigoXx 17

Never crowd surf. You leave that to the actual rock stars on stage.


xXHollowIchigoXx 17

Never crowd surf. You leave that to the actual rock stars on stage.

free2speak 14

Agree! And the whole appeal of that is people want to "touch" and "feel"the band member so they can go around touting how they were a part of the crowd surf and got to touch XYZ's hand/butt/penis or what not. Nobody can brag about touching some random fat person.

BeforeItWasCool 12

I can't stand crowd surfers, they're so inconsiderate. Nothing irritates me at a gig more than watching the show only for some floating douchebag to hit the back of my head. The only exception being a person who has been injured or has passed out and is being passed over the crowd to security for help. Otherwise it's just plain rude.

The worst part is how you always see he same 5 people crowd surfing over and over again throughout the show.

Actually, crowd surfing at rock shows is usually pretty fun. You just have to make sure you're an attractive man/woman and don't mind getting groped.

BeforeItWasCool 12

49- I go to metal shows and where I'm from, as a rule, it's irritating to have crowd members surfing. Especially in the vicinity of mosh pits, not only for the moshers but for the safety of the surfer. Imagine surfing over a pit, landing in the centre because no one's paying attention to what's going on above them, and then getting trampled. It's generally not a good idea. That's just my opinion anyway, I appreciate you hold different views.

CallMeMcFeelii 13

I agree with 51. I love hardcore shows. Though I've never seen crowd surfing in the actual pit haha. I hate crowd surfers with a passion. You get kicked and smacked by them the whole ******* show. I didn't pay to have a handful of some sweaty dudes ass. Though the shows I go to get pretty violent and some people don't lightly carry them, more like throw them as far as you can and laugh when they fall.

Whales belong in the sea, not on top of concert goers.

I think it depends where you're at. The only time I've ever crowd surfed was at a Christian rock concert in a small town, and everyone one was really friendly about it and really into it. There was a couple bigger guys who were lifting everyone up to start, and everyone was eager to participate, and when you were done you got sent back to your spot and set down gently. It was really a lot of fun, but I agree I would never consider it at a hard core rock show!

xXHollowIchigoXx 17

I understand that crowd surfing is fun, heck it looks fun, buts it's a bit selfish. You're basically saying "Hey, this band is so good and everybody loves them, I'm going to use this opportunity to crowd surf and steal some attention." Like people said above, you should generally leave the crowd surfing for the band/artist. People would much rather touch and hold up a celebrity than a random stranger whom they have no affiliation with. And then people like OP^ up here have the nerve to blame the crowd for not holding him up.

Crowd surfing is integral to rock shows. If you don't like it, don't go. Stop whining.

rahulcool7 14

I think crowd surfing is something you should try once. Also when I crowd surf I do it once then I'm done and its not to try to touch the people on stage it's for fun.

BeforeItWasCool 12

97- I've been going to rock shows since the age of 14, I won't stop because I'm "whining". I've seen the most seasoned of rockers complain about surfers. Guys who've been gig-goers since the 60's, 70's, 80's and onwards hate surfers. As another commenter pointed out it is selfish, and widely believed to be. It's mainly irritating little teenage boys or fangirls who surf nowadays anyway. Believe me it is NOT integral. You appear to be doing rock wrong if you feel that way.

Llamassss 21

Several years ago I dressed up as Jesus for the Saints and Sinners festival. I went crowd surfing for my first and only time that night and thought it was a lot of fun. The singer of the band that was on stage at the time pointed at me and said, "Look at this guy!" A couple thousand people looked at me at the same time and it felt pretty awesome.

conqueror57 11

Not all crowdsurfers do it by choice. I only did once but it was because a group of guys picked me up and tossed me. I didn't have a say. But fortunately I had a front clasp bra on bc SO many people tried to undo it!

I hate crowd surfers. And like someone said, it's always the same assholes doing it over and over. I hate that I have to constantly check behind me to make sure no one lands on my head, it's hard to actually enjoy the show. I remember after I went to warped, my neck was so sore from assholes landing on my head.

BeforeItWasCool 12

120- That's a tip I'll remember for my next gig, front clasp bra. Just in case I'm unlucky enough to get dragged into it. 121- I went to London's Warped on the 10th earlier this month, it was epic! Aside from the surfers. Warped is always badass. So, there you have it OP! Next time, just enjoy the show.

Like 31 said, it's always the same people crowd surfing and at metal shows it always happens to be the 200lb guy with size 13 boots or some fat girl screaming her head off also wearing boots. Either way I'm getting a boot to the face when I'm actually trying to watch and enjoy the show. I paid money to see a band not to have some sweaty fat ass land on my neck.

Lucky! I haven't been to Warped since '08 D:

BeforeItWasCool 12

It was a good year this year. Another year I'm sure!

blcksocks 19

Never attempt that unless you are sure people will catch you.

BellaBelle_fml 23

I would have ended the comment with simply, "Never attempt that."

Yeah, or you risk making a total coccyx out of yourself!!

bfsd42 20

But that's what crowd surfing is about. You try, fall on your face and get kicked around. Then you try again, and fall on your face. Then, one day, you try, go 6 yards, and fall on your face. Why does my face Hurt?

jewfroditmer 7

Hey! He's got, um, well, one good song.....

I've found that most of his songs are quite successful. - photograph - if today was your last day - rockstar All great songs :)

Except, they all sound the same. Therefore they all suck...

Only good one is Rockstar. The others are all too slow.

mvc3ftw 17

Rockstar is an annoyance >.>

There's tons of artists who's songs sound the same. Nickleback aren't half bad when you're not just following the crowd and "hating" for the hell of it.

I dunno, I suppose it's personal opinion, but I just like Nickelback because his voice is unique and his songs are relatable :3

Wave** Sorry people. It deleted it from my comment. I deserve the thumb down on that one.

Epikouros 31

If you were really fat, you wouldn't be able to land on your tailbone.

MindFreakazoid 10
astralvagan 20

How does that work? Just because you're overweight, you can't injure your tailbone? I'm pretty sure it doesn't work that way

I'm sure he's imagining gloobs of squishy back boobs covering the tailbone or something.

SenselessPattern 12

Obviously when you are fat, your tail bone is eaten by your body to gain critical mass.

CallMeMcFeelii 13

You'd actually probably injure yourself even more. 300 pounds crashing down usually isn't as bad as 150 pounds falling. Gravity is bitch to them bigger fellas and gals. You sure as **** shouldn't be crowd surfing if you're 300 pounds though haha.

61- I have no idea why but I laughed hysterically at that.

mvc3ftw 17

I was going to esplain something. about gravity and things falling at the same rate regardless of weight...maybe I'm thinking of mass?

Yeah you're thinking of mass. Weight is actually supposed to be measured in newtons, as it is actually the sum of someone's mass (in Kg) and the acceleration of gravity (9.81 m/s^2). So weight is actually the amount of force someone puts on the object they're standing on. But honestly, as air resistance has little to no effect on us, we all fall at the same velocity. So technically, you'd be right whether you said weight or mass.

Last concert I went to, 2 weeks ago, anyone that crow surfed was told off by security, and if they didn't stop they were taken out. Except for the lead singer. That was ******* awesome!

Crow surfing? How many crows are needed for this surfing?

RedPillSucks 31

Only one, if the crow is doing the surfing. Lots and lots, if the crows make up the waves. I can see PETA on the rampage on that one. Much funnier when it's not a typo.

Maybe it wasn't because you were to heavy, but maybe because you were just some unknown random and not part of the band they came to see, why would they want to catch you?

Haha I've seen that happen in movies. Should have known better. I've done that at a concert once before and never again! It's grounds to have a bunch of strangers feel you up!

WatsonIsThatDood 6

Yeah go to Warped or Mayhem and tell someone not to crowd surf. I've done it hundreds of times and nothing bad ever came of it but a good time.

I'm a concert goer too! I've gone to both Mayhem and Warped tour several times. As a matter of fact, I'm on my way to see "Motionless in White" in concert right now! (:

WatsonIsThatDood 6

Hell yeah bro. Live it up and surf your heart out!!!

This isn't 1995, crowd surfing is dead unless you're a band member! YDI