By Two wrecks one car - 20/08/2018 16:30 - United States - New Braunfels

Today, a woman pulled out in front me and I couldn't avoid hitting her. When we pulled off on the side of the road to inspect the damage, she backed into me. My car is only a month old. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 112
You deserved it 156

Same thing different taste

Top comments

absolutely get the money from her insurance or sue. she backed into you!

I think you need a “backup” plan for transportation...


absolutely get the money from her insurance or sue. she backed into you!

I think you need a “backup” plan for transportation...

Celestyna 16

This is why dash cams in cars are important!

This is why I have a dash cam. Video proof over any word.

Well she can't avoid the hefty insurance spike and lawsuit she's gonna get.

Back up insurance? You chose the wrong insurance plan. No I chose the wrong insurance company.

It sounds to me that she backed up into you on purpose in hope that there is more damage to her car so that she can get more money out of the accident. I hope you have a dash cam or there are witnesses.