By -__-" - 29/09/2013 05:45 - United States - Vancouver

Today, a stranger pulled me out of the path of a speeding taxicab. He then took one look at my face, said, "I should've left you there", and walked away. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 555
You deserved it 4 550

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wow what on earth would make somebody say something like that? That's horrible. At least he saved you though! Glad you're ok OP :)

Ouch. Well, would've hurt more if he had left you.


explodingpies 4

You could sue for him saving your life ..

Best advice I've heard all day. I'm going to go back to bed now, because anything else I can experience today will just be a disappointment compared to the genius I've just seen.

Hiimhaileypotter 52

"He didn't save my life, he ruined my death!" I hope somebody gets it :D

That's a odd thing to say after saving someone. At least he didn't push you back into the street?

"I'm alive. for you, I'm awake. Because of you, I'm alive. I told you, I'm awake swallowing you alive!" **I'd happily take an insult over being road kill any day! :P

ouch! That was unnecessary. ...smh Some people are just mean OP...dont let it bother you. at least he saved your life...

What a dick. Ignore him. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I don't think I'm attractive but I've been married twice and people tell me I'm cute.

The_Big_Boss 20

Yeah, this guy potentially saved your life. Wow **** you life.. That's awful

Beepbeep7 14

Well the upside is,if he hadn't said that then you wouldn't have a published fml.

llnursingll 10

at least you are alive and not hurt. that was mean of that person.