By beatenbyabum - 12/06/2009 20:45 - United States

Today, a man came up to me at the bus stop. He went into this long story about how his girlfriend is pregnant and they both haven't eaten in days. Trying to be tough and funny I said back, "sounds like you should invest in condoms instead of food." He responded by beating and robbing me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 516
You deserved it 88 788

beatenbyabum tells us more.

Hello Folks, I'm the OP. Because of the character limit I couldn't get in all the information so I just left the guts of it. The hobo that attacked me is a guy who's come up to me before and has had different stories. He's either: A vietnam vet (despite he's about 30), a broke composer, or the pregnant one. I finally had enough and decided to say something other than "Nope, no change". I don't care how malnourished anyone is, a swift kick in the nuts and you're going down on the ground. So I've now been beaten by the smelly hobo, The other people at the bus stop were helpful enough to sit there and watch me get beaten and robbed. I've reported it to the cops, so we'll see what happens. (Keep up the comments, they make me smile, even the rude one's who don't seem to notice their hypocrisy calling me a douche or a dick or whatever when all I did was pretty much the same thing. A hypocrite is a legless man who teaches track.)

Top comments

TheCookieCrumb 0

You should have just gave him a couple bucks in the first place to buy food for him and his wife and child. But you decided to be a dick, so he took beat your ass. Do you really think a starving pregnant woman and her baby is worth joking about?

A legless man teaching track isn't hypocrisy, it's irony.


christopherlove 0

You didn't deserve to be robbed, and your advice may have been right, but you're still kind of a dick.

That's horrible. Kudos to you for your balls, sir.

First of all, WTF?! I had to read that twice On the odd chance that the psycho was telling the truth, he's a moron, because he can't find a soup kitchen or homeless shelter to get food from. He was most likely lying to get money, like many beggars do, so the OP was perfectly justified in making the joke. FYL, you did not deserve that, and hopefully you can report that lunatic to the cops.

My version: Today, a smelly homeless man tried a sob story on me in a frail attempt to get a hand out from me to go buy some meth. I made fun of him and he attacked me so I shot him in the neck killing him instantly, Thusly solving the problem. Unfortunately his HIV positive blood stained my clothes and I am out a 9mm round. FML

Geez! Why we even let those black people have freedoms is just lost on me! I'm just kidding. Nope not one bit.

Penguinophile 0

What the ****? Dude, that was not your fault, you were totally right. How dare people bring more kids into this world when they can't afford it?

You were trying to be tough? Here's a hint either you are or you aren't and I'm thinking you should stay up on the porch instead of trying to run with the BIG DOGS!