By wishbone - 14/04/2009 20:41 - Canada

Today, a cute boy told me I looked like a celebrity. Flattered, I asked who I resembled. He responded by saying that I looked exactly like Ugly Betty. He was serious. FML
I agree, your life sucks 60 693
You deserved it 5 650

Same thing different taste

Top comments

vee_baby 0

Ouchh.. ): Well, America is pretty when she's NOT playing Ugly Betty.. Maybe that was the only show he could remember her from.


she actually looks gorgeous when she fixes herself up :)

are you sure he didn't mean America Ferrara, the actress that plays Ugly Betty?

munchkin10014 0

Hey that's a compliment. Ugly Betty was hot

A lot of people say my girlfriend looks like America but only when she wears her thick glasses. It's a compliment!

LOL, but this is the third time I have read the stories that say 'Today, my bf/a random guy/my friend told me I look like a celeb. I asked which one. He said Ugly Betty.' :/

I had a client also tell me I looked like America.. I didn't know who she was until I googled it and found out she was Ugly Betty

Yea... Maybe with a different face, body, hair, name... Basically everything