By Anonymous - 04/06/2014 13:56 - United States

Today, a coworker asked me why this week's report was not uploaded to the server. I've been writing these reports once a week for a year and they take a whole day to write. Upload them to what server? FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 931
You deserved it 6 353

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Dont worry, the NSA uploads them automatically


is your co worker is a to be manager or something like that... sorry OP.. jerks are all around ...

So there has been some problems with your TPS Reports?

how could someone not notice 365 times in a row?

You realize that would be 52 times if she had been writing them once a week for a year...

Goblin182 26

Are you supposed to be uploading the reports and didn't know it or did the co-worker just think you were supposed to upload these and had never noticed they don't get uploaded anywhere?

cjwayy 22

I don't understand this FML ._. Can someone explain it to me?

He's been writing out these reports for a year and now he's finding out they were supposed to be uploaded to a server all this time, which he's never done. Also, he may have to go back and upload or type every report for the past year and put them on this server. Hopefully he doesn't have to though.

I would tell them you did and ask to see if it's really not on "the server"

Ask where they get uploaded to problem solved

I am not sure why so many people are assuming that "writing" implies hand-written... It can just as easily mean that it was typed. Writing is a process, not the method.

RebelNikita 3

So, if you haven't been typing them up on a computer & uploading them....who has been? (Assuming, that is...there may be a server to upload them to that you didn't know about?)....or...maybe your coworker is either kidding or just plain stupid?