Time for a freakout

By Meg - 15/07/2011 22:24 - United States

Today, I was on the elevator at work. As it descended, a roach started scurrying about around my feet. I freaked out and started screaming, hitting the panic button without thinking. Now I'm facing a hefty fine for using the panic button when there wasn't a "real" emergency. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 383
You deserved it 43 732

Same thing different taste

Top comments

A roach! OMG. ok I got this, I'll press the panic button instead of stepping on it!


sunlovinmama 1

phobia= irrational fear of something. so stop calling her idiot etc. cause it just makes y'all look dumb. people with phobia's react irrationally.

fthku 13

People who have phobias and post FMLs tend to make it very obvious that they have one. It is the sole reason for the FML. If this was a butterfly, I would also assume it's a phobia of a sort, but most people tend to be disgusted byfear cockroaches.

be123 6

wow but if it was a spider crawling all over my open foot I probably would've fainted and if not that...not that far

FYLitreallySucks 0

why didn't you just kill it!

itswhateveridk 0

it's beacuse your name is meg

wow, my god, words do not begin to describe how stupid you are

tennischik211 11

couldn't you run around in the elevator until the elevator got to your floor? it would've been money consuming.

So this is where taxpayer's money goes...

jillianmathers12 13

I probably would have done the same thing!

******* rude much? They could've had a fear of bugs; even though they're an adult. If it was a cockroach, I would've freaked out too! The girl must've had a phobia of cockroaches. So cool your ****.