The road to Hell in Hell

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I have an Urinary Tract Infection, causing me to have to use the bathroom about every ten minutes. I'm also about to leave on a 15 hour car trip with my entire family. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 191
You deserved it 2 772

Top comments

greenfairy82 0

DRINK CRANBERRY JUICE. I had the same thing and my mom suggested it. Home remedy. just drink about a liter of it and it'll go away. There is something in the juice that clears everything up!! I hope that helps...

oh man, that blows! fyl :( i hope you survive the trip!


blairvic 23

Sucks. Take about 30 5L bottles and just pee in those. Wear a skirt. Just hope no one in the car has a piss fetish.

go to the doctor and get some antibiotics to relieve the feeling of having to urinate, or run to the store and grab some uristat. as a frequent sufferer of UTIs, you really dont HAVE to pee every 5 minutes, it just FEELS like it. so if your taking antibiotics or at the very least take some uristat and keep down on the liquids during the trip, you should be fine (but if your not taking antibiotics then for the love of god down tons and tons of water as soon as you'll be near a bathroom, because water can flush the infection out relatively quickly

oooh your gonna have to go, likee 100 times!

Get an adult diaper and suck it up. It's your own fault for not taking care of yourself in the first place.

captainmaharet 1

Keep drinking water throughout the trip, slowly and in small amounts. And for heaven's sake get yourself to a doctor and be thankful that antibiotics can still cure a UTI. By the way, cranberry juice or cranberry capsules are merely a preventative/old wives' tale. Take it only if you also need the extra vitamin C and if you don't have digestive problems.

superspiders 2

I suffer from combined UTIs and kidney infections twice a year. Grow some balls. It doesnt make you have to pee every ten minutes, it just makes you feel like it.

You should try drinking some Alka Seltzer >.> it helps kill the infection.

artisticfeelings 0

DUDEEEE I had that and it was so frigin painful to peeeeee. good luckkk I hope u have antibiotics and won't get a kidney infection