The road to Hell in Hell

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I have an Urinary Tract Infection, causing me to have to use the bathroom about every ten minutes. I'm also about to leave on a 15 hour car trip with my entire family. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 191
You deserved it 2 772

Top comments

greenfairy82 0

DRINK CRANBERRY JUICE. I had the same thing and my mom suggested it. Home remedy. just drink about a liter of it and it'll go away. There is something in the juice that clears everything up!! I hope that helps...

oh man, that blows! fyl :( i hope you survive the trip!


Daaamn, I had UTI from holding in my pee all the time. Bring a couple of empty bottles along is all I can advise.

dimondbanga 0

I ve had one. it does suck and later it hurts. bring some tylonal pm to make you fall asleep. you don't pee as much. -Lexi

That sucks. :/ Cranberry juice does help, but you should really get that checked out if you haven't already. I let a urinary tract infection go when I was younger and I ended up in the emergency room with a 105 degree fever. The infection spread and turns out I had osteomyelitis, which is a bone infection. I was in the hospital for two weeks in excruciating pain. So trust me on this, get some antibiotics right away!

dimondbanga 0

14 and 15 appaflux. you know nothing I've had it and even my doctorsaid it helps. Shut up and stop posting wrong things

Pineapples00 0

Oh man. You need to get on antibiotics ASAP to prevent it from spreading to your kidneys. Until then, try AZO for relief.

Peeing after you have sex is a super easy way to prevent UTIs!

flighted 1

I do that ALL the time yet still get them....that's not always a foolproof way

omg. i had that recently. ): i feel your frustration!!

Take antibiotics and drink cranberry juice + water. It'll get rid of the symptoms in no time.

meadowlark 0

Hopefully your family will be ok with making frequent stops for you. UTIs are no fun.