The road to Hell in Hell

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I have an Urinary Tract Infection, causing me to have to use the bathroom about every ten minutes. I'm also about to leave on a 15 hour car trip with my entire family. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 191
You deserved it 2 772

Top comments

greenfairy82 0

DRINK CRANBERRY JUICE. I had the same thing and my mom suggested it. Home remedy. just drink about a liter of it and it'll go away. There is something in the juice that clears everything up!! I hope that helps...

oh man, that blows! fyl :( i hope you survive the trip!


YDI for wiping back to front and getting it up the butt.

what do you mean "today"? that sgit doesn't just come and go like the cold stupid, it's gonna take some antibiotics an down time.

LemonMan 0

38 you dumbass where are you gonna piss on a 15 hour trip with your family this isn't a FML cuase it's contagous or not

i have a urinary tract infection right now too and it's terrible. i can't sleep and i think my house is like 400 degrees. it sucks...

jamers113 0

wear a skirt, bring a jar & funnel.

use URAL! its tempory relief u can get at the drug a charm..take it with water and 2 minutes later u wont feel like peeing and when u do it doesnt hurt anymore...

hey hotpinklovee.. dumbass she was worried about staying in the car for 15 hrs with a bladder always feeling full, not that it's contagious

I've had a urinary tract but I didn't need to pee, I was in too much pain :-/