By stunned - 15/03/2010 15:27 - United States

Today, my boyfriend of almost a year and a half broke up with me when he decided he wasn't in love with me anymore. We gave our stuff back, he was joking and happy the whole time until I told him I was taking back my cat. At that point he burst into tears. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 891
You deserved it 3 939

Same thing different taste

Top comments

heartlessagony 0

At least you're not with him anymore.


KurouTenshi 0

at least now you know he only wanted your pussy!!

Well, he broke up with you, not the cat. You don't often hear of people 'breaking up' with pets. Is your cat a boy or girl, OP? Cause if it's a girl, it probably likes him more. Girl cats are ****** like that.

AdoliscA1 0

lmao!! not because of the breakup, sorry for that. but what an ass seriously you will do better.

Silver lining: taking the cat back is the ultimate revenge for him breaking up with you. Breaking his game console might work as well.

Gymnastman 0

Your bf sounds like a wimp if he started crying right away without some sort of argument

freemoneyman 0

animals, don't ever let any1 take them from u

geordieboysgirl 0

He prolly wasnt in love in the first place.. effortless sex > ... good to see he went back to the bro lifestyle of slayin slam pieces

So maybe I'm reading this wrong... but you said you GAVE it to him. People don't usually give their own pets away as gifts, so I'm assuming this was a kitten you bought for him. That means that cat was his the entire time and never really belonged to you. Then when you guys decide to break up, you decide to steal his pet? Yes... you paid for it. But it doesn't sound like it's yours to take at this point.

She didn't say she GAVE it to him. It's more likely that they had been living together for a while, and he thought for some reason that he would get to keep the cat. I'd say she's perfectly justified in taking the cat with her.

#77 Were you born a moron or did this happen over time?? It's HER CAT, as she said in the FML!! Some wanker living with her for a bit then deciding to leave and expecting he gets to keep HER pet does NOT qualify as her "gifting him the cat"!!