Thanks, I hate it!

By thanks for reminding me - 18/08/2023 01:00 - United States

Today, I was reduced to a blubbering mess at my baby shower. My mom bought tons of clothes, bibs, etc. Sounds nice right? Well, they all had sayings like "Daddy’s Little Princess" and "Daddy’s Girl." She knows full well my fiancé quit his job, changed his number, and disappeared without a trace 3 months ago. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 042
You deserved it 118

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Your mom sounds like a real ****. Sorry, OP. Stay strong!

even if she bought them excitedly months ago, she should've had the tact to realize what would happen


Your mom sounds like a real ****. Sorry, OP. Stay strong!

even if she bought them excitedly months ago, she should've had the tact to realize what would happen

Or at least the tact to realize Mommy is also a thing, and a person. Ask for the receipt, and change all this stuff for clothes that say "Mommy's little champion", "Mommy's girl", and "I love my Mom".

I'm guessing this is part of some stupid plan to get him to pay attention to his daughter when he sees the pictures on Facebook or something.