Thanks, I hate it

By hawtpinkpanties - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, my grandma gave me a gift, something she's never done before. I was excited, until I found out it was one of her overdue library books about dolphins. I feel so loved. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 401
You deserved it 3 192

Top comments

danielle999 0

maybe she doesn't like you because you use usernames like "hawtpinkpanties"?

Maybe she just has no clue of the value of books, in her own world she could be giving you a car... Naw she just hates you


That sucks, but I would still read that book about dolphins. Dolphins are awesome

surferdude15 0

today i gave my niece a lovely book on dolphins..... it happened to be overdue because i thought i should check it out awhile back so i don't forget to give him a present.... he threw it at me and said i never give him presents

She may be poor. The older generations didn't have the luxuries as a kid as most of us younger generations have now.

fely_fml 0

LMAO i agree wit #12...she's old wat do u expect...

Well at least you have a grandmother with a sense of humour :P

UConn_Huskies 0

don't be a dick. she's old and she wanted to give you a gift. she's probably losing cognitive abilities

#12...yup, that sounds about right! ;)