Thanks, I hate it

By hawtpinkpanties - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, my grandma gave me a gift, something she's never done before. I was excited, until I found out it was one of her overdue library books about dolphins. I feel so loved. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 401
You deserved it 3 192

Top comments

danielle999 0

maybe she doesn't like you because you use usernames like "hawtpinkpanties"?

Maybe she just has no clue of the value of books, in her own world she could be giving you a car... Naw she just hates you


THIS is an FML? This? Oh no, you old grandmother doesn't like to give gifts freely, and you mistakenly assumed that something rectangular would be something special for you? Dude, this is the type of thing where you smile awkwardly for half a second and then go "oh, thanks" with enough cheeryness so as to not upset dementia-starved pensioners. tl;dr Move along, nothing to see here, just a non-FML.

danielle999 0

maybe she doesn't like you because you use usernames like "hawtpinkpanties"?

You'll be okay. My grandma gives me half used bottles of perfume she got for free and doesn't like. Just don't let it get to you.

lol #12, good call hey, it's the thought that counts right?

replace her denture cream with super glue

Occam 0
ElleEnvy 0

At least you got a gift. Maybe she is senile or as a disease. Old people are great tho. Not FML.

its the thought that counts LOL. ;) u should be glad she even thought of u .

Grand parents are always weak because you know ...Illness and stuff..So you shud be gr8full