Thanks dad…

By Anonymous - 06/09/2013 16:10 - United Kingdom - Godalming

Today, my car broke down. My dad insisted he could fix it, but screwed up in the process. After finally getting the car towed to a mechanic, I was told that I'd only needed a new water pump, but thanks to the damage my dad did, fixing it all will cost me a small fortune. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 987
You deserved it 3 792

Same thing different taste

Top comments

lissa_jade 22

I hope your dad brought his wallet then!

If he messed it up, he should pay for the damage he did. You pay for the new water pump and he pays for the rest. Only fair.


rety1 13

Broken water pump? Who knows what this persons father broke, but it could end up costing a ton anyway if they overheated too much too long.. Especially with newer all aluminum engines, not only the head(s) warp, the engine block warps too..

you break you buy it so your dad needs to fix everything he broke and you pay for the water pump compromise.

Unless your dad is an actual mechanic like mine is he should never ever try to fix a car himself

Oh please. There are plenty of people with a wealth of practical knowledge that didn't choose to be mechanics, or don't have the ASE certification. This doesn't mean they can't fix things. OPs dad is obviously not in that category.

Get your dad to pay for it! It was his fault for tinkering when he shouldn't have.

That's why I love my aircooled car, water pumps can cause major headache.

Well, you have the headache of driving a car which is AT LEAST 15 years old, which was when they last produced air-cooled cars... There is a reason they stopped using that...

Excuse me. But has anyone ever thought about how strange it is that although the car had apparently only just broken down, that when they finally bring it to the garage the mechanic knows that the only problem was the water pump before her dad tinkered with it? Sounds like a money grub to me