
By Jrlloyd013 - 19/12/2009 22:33 - United States

Today, I had a surprise test for Economics. While taking the test, I put my head down so I could think. A while later, I awoke to the whole class turning in their test. I had to turn in my test incomplete. No questions answered, just my name, the date, and a pool of drool. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 835
You deserved it 41 951

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Should have scribbled in 'Jesus' in all the unanswered blanks.. Jesus is always the answer.

"when I put my head down so I could think" sounds suspiciously like "I put my head down because I was tired and didn't know any of the answers and I fell asleep" FML?


At least you were all refreshed for the talk in the principle's office.

jdawg2010 0

should've wrote 'chuck norris' for all the answers.

I learned to not sleep during tests the hard way, I feel you. Drink some water before, next time, that helps me a bit.