Stuck with you

By Anonymous - 21/07/2021 04:01

Today, I sent my abusive girlfriend a text, explaining I was breaking up with her via text because I was afraid for my physical safety if I broke up with her in person. She video chatted me less than five seconds later from our doctor's office, where the doctor confirmed she is in fact pregnant. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 451
You deserved it 339

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You could just pay child support. You shouldn't feel forced to stay with her or coparent.

bobsanction 18

Change your name, flee the country, move to Nepal, live as a goat.


Now, you're really up shit's creek, Dad. You need to flee out of state and join the Witness Protection Plan. She was abusive as just a girlfriend, imagine how bad she'll be as a Mama Grizzly!

You could just pay child support. You shouldn't feel forced to stay with her or coparent.

he shouldn't have to pay child support if she's the abusive one!

Ambrily 27

How is that the baby's fault?

Warp1978 15

This is the advice I would have given, she's abusive and you feel unsafe, stay away and pay child support. Remember! Document your injuries and build a case just incase she holds the pregnancy over you to make you come back.

bobsanction 18

Change your name, flee the country, move to Nepal, live as a goat.

xxlk4xx 6

honestly I still wouldn't get back with her! if you can I would even try for custody, if she's abusive to you she could be abusive to your kid as well!

That’s not a great situation, if you have proof of abuse you could go to court for full custody. Or change your name, dye your hair and move to Scotland

iknoweverything 2

Man I feel for you. I know what it’s like to have a kid in an abusive relationship. Hope things work out

Get a lawyer and weekends, they’re individuals. Your child is not your ex and they are not you. You don’t have to be with her to be in your child’s life. Record calls and keep text. She’ll have to stop enough evidence will get you full custody. If you want your child. Being afraid of someone is more than enough reason to not leave your child with them.

This. If you need pro bono work, you can google 'pro bono lawyer (area name)' and probably find someone to help you out; there's usually a government-sponsored group that does that.