
By jessye1182 - 11/05/2012 23:16 - United States - Yaphank

Today, I was babysitting, playing hide and seek. I tried to jump behind the armchair, but it tipped, and I hit my head into the wind chimes, ripped the curtain rod from the wall, and smashed my knee into the wall. I lay on the ground in agonizing pain as the little girl shouted, "I know where you are!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 705
You deserved it 6 263

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I think you may have been a bit over competitive. Next time, I suggest moving the chair to the side or finding an easier spot to hide in. There were curtains! Those make the perfect hiding spots!


Where you babysitting at their house, or yours?

It's a little kid. So calm down with the sarcasm. And second, it would be Miss Obvious. Not Ms. Ms would be if you were married and had gotten a divorce. Which I highly doubt the kid has been married.

Show off. How'd you explain that to the parents?

katiedoll6 7

LOL That's funny! I'm sure everyone knew where you were by then. I don't know, maybe she set a trap to give you away if you tried to hide back there. :D

BtheBeast94 7

Why the heck do you have wind chimes indoors?

geod69 8

I guess you need to hide a little better

shawnaishere 14

Hahaha hide and go seek at it's best

Kids are the best. No matter how much pain you are in while playing anything they seem to not care to notice, but who would notice when they're having fun. lol