Stay safe

By Molly Lee - 16/10/2020 20:01 - United States

Today, after going to the ophthalmologist, I got some really cute glasses. When I got home, my dad saw them and told me that when he was in high school, they called girls with those glasses BC. When I asked what BC stood for, he said, "Birth control." FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 135
You deserved it 172

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Tell him that fashion changes and these are known around school as "F me" glasses.

wysegirl 24

BCGs have been around for years.. military still uses them. hahaha


"Guys don't make passes On girls who wear glasses."

Tell him that fashion changes and these are known around school as "F me" glasses.

wysegirl 24

BCGs have been around for years.. military still uses them. hahaha

TinScarecrow 15

why they became fashionable is beyond me. they're just ugly plastic framed glasses

I've read that some people actually find glasses sexy.

I actually do. The quote I mentioned earlier is not my motto.

Mooglefox 23

You dad is an idiot. I find girls with glasses very good looking.

Tell your dad that when he was in high school they used clay tablets and thought the Sun revolved around the Earth.