
By Milo - 02/06/2015 16:50 - Mexico - Mexico

Today, one of my tires blew out on the highway. I managed to slow down and pull over without dying, and went to get my spare tire. I found it right where it was supposed to be, knifed to hell and with a taunting note from my psycho ex taped to it. We broke up nearly 3 years ago. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 343
You deserved it 3 320

Same thing different taste

Top comments

staychill 16

Make her pay for the damages that's unacceptable


PainOfDemise 11

that is a good revenge move.

report her to the police she might do more then that!

Where do you keep the spare tire that you haven't looked at it in three years to know that it was slashed? Call the cops/tow company!

I can't rate this FML because it's missing the key information: Have you seen the spare and checked its pressure often so you know the slashing happened recently, or could the spare have been slashed 3 years ago and you never check the spare tire pressure to notice?

OK, so you've proved you're not capable of your own vehicle maintenance. Welcome to the 75% group. That is, 75% of the population are just like you, that they don't know how to take care of their cars. No big deal, that's why repair shops exist. Of course, now you've found the value of Jiffy Lube, or whatever 2 bit, cheap ass, shop that you use. A halfway competent repair shop that has any interest in the welfare of their customers would check the air pressure in your spare EVERY time you come in. Can't tell you how many dealer maintained cars come into our shop with no air in the spare, please refer to my earlier comment about 2bit shops. You deserved to get stuck on the side of the road because you don't regard vehicle maintenance important.

Sounds like she one of those long-term-ahead planners

isnobodyhere 32

As crazy as she is, she still had a pretty good pay back plan

If that's the last time you checked it you deserve it

Wait... did she knife the tire three years ago, or recently? Because if you haven't checked on your spare in three years, YDI. If it was recent, FYL.