Sometimes you need a mess of help to stand alone

By Anonymous - 11/08/2023 04:00

Today, I realized that now that I've cut anyone who was toxic out my life, I now have no one. FML
I agree, your life sucks 694
You deserved it 211

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That may be true for now, but you now have the ability to make new friends. Trust will be hard and there will be a lot of damage to repair. Be sure not to wallow in despair and cynicism. There are good, non-toxic people out there.

that means you're doing it right. start over and make a family with better people. they're out there.


That may be true for now, but you now have the ability to make new friends. Trust will be hard and there will be a lot of damage to repair. Be sure not to wallow in despair and cynicism. There are good, non-toxic people out there.

that means you're doing it right. start over and make a family with better people. they're out there.

Find a local hobby club. Get back into just being comfortable socialising with other people to start with. Once you are good with just chatting and laughing with people again and have built up some confidence in yourself, you can start expanding into actual friendships. Little steps will eventually get you a long way. Just be sure you're going in the right direction this time. Good luck 🍀

You're just realizing now that people are toxic?

"Been there done that and I'm so much happier & life is good now" without all that toxicity!!! This will be your new mantra as well. The first step is the hardest but with each step it'll get a little easier. Just keep looking forward and don't forget to be proud of yourself for your accomplishments. But also don't forget to have some fun once in awhile 😁 ya only live once!!!

Sounds like a win to me, because you're free of them and their toxicity. As the great Whitney Houston sang, "I'd rather be alone than unhappy." I'm sure in time you'll find better friends.

nkunzi 4

Maybe you were the toxic one

TeaTimeAbyss 20

I know people will downvote you, but I agree with you. I had to lose a lot of people before realizing I was the problem.