So romantic

By Anonymous - 24/12/2012 05:33 - United States

Today, my boyfriend and I were in bed and I asked him why he was with me. His answer was, "Well, the last girl I dated was really smart and she always made me feel dumb, so I decided to switch things up a bit. You make me feel like a genius, babe." FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 588
You deserved it 8 047

Same thing different taste

Top comments

And a genius he is not if he really thought that was a brilliant idea to confess.

I don't usually say dump him, but if he really is with you JUST for that reason , then you should reconsider. Time won't Mendel the damage that will be done by a relationship where he doesn't care; maybe give yourselves a break Faraday to think about what you mean to each other?


AllThatHit 7

It would be funny if this guy realized his mistake and posted an fml about it too

BrysGirl27 14

What an asshole! Dump him!....unless he was kidding:) then just laugh it off!

barronterrier 3

You're very lucky to have such an honest boyfriend! Now ask him if he's ever cheated on you...

Get rid of the douchebag. That shouldn't even be said as a joke

Iniezian 18

I don't think his previous girlfriend was a genius. I think she just had normal intelligence and common sense, which is still way smarter than him.

You're smart enough to leave him, right?

Hopefully this was just a joke. If not, time for you to make a decision.

Aww that sucks. Hopefully he was joking lol

the fact that you ask that question means you got issues