So, here's the thing…

By MIG2204 - 15/04/2019 20:00 - Denmark - Copenhagen

Today, my school told us that we all need to be checked and treated for threadworms. So now I need to go tell my girlfriend that she needs to be checked and treated for threadworms. We have been dating for little over a week. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 054
You deserved it 204

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Okay...? Tell her that your school advised you that theres a threat of threadworms, and that you have to be tested, and you're scared if you have it, it transferred to her. What is the bfd? Is it cause you're in gradeschool?

What kind of hygenic practices does your school have that the entire place is at risk of catching intestinal parasites?


There’s no such thing! A real epidemic is earworms. Just listen to Kylie Minogue’s “Can’t Get You Out of My Head” and that’ll fix you!

What kind of hygenic practices does your school have that the entire place is at risk of catching intestinal parasites?

blondie45 21

Threadworms are transmitted by human to human and dog to human contact. Better to be safe than sorry and it’s advised that everyone deworms themselves every three months as a preventative measure. I’d say the school is practicing very safe hygiene!

I looked threadworms up. Apparently, thoroughly scrubbing yourself down during your daily ablutions is sufficient to prevent the spread of the parasite, as is washing your hands after you use the bathroom or pet an animal. "Regular deworming" is not good hygenic practice. "Regular deworming" is what you do after someone has <i>utterly failed </i>at good hygenic practice.

blondie45 21

Good luck with getting an entire school full of kids (and many teachers!) to thoroughly scrub themselves and their hands regularly. Worms spread. Fact. Deal with it.

Okay...? Tell her that your school advised you that theres a threat of threadworms, and that you have to be tested, and you're scared if you have it, it transferred to her. What is the bfd? Is it cause you're in gradeschool?