Self report

By Anonymous - 25/05/2009 14:55 - United States

Today, I snuck out of my house in the middle of the night. I ran into my dad carrying wine into another house. I didn't assume he was cheating until he saw me and said, "I won't tell if you don't tell, please don't tell your mother." FML
I agree, your life sucks 87 029
You deserved it 5 526

Same thing different taste

Top comments

be_happy1 0

Wow that sucks, you should definitely tell your mom.


Kira_fml 0
i_hate_my_life22 0

im not sure if im rite or watever but i think u shuld tell ur mom..that u were sneaking out and that ur dad was cheating sorry to hear about that too

bigcrazymike 6

Don't listen to all these people telling you to tell your mom. You need to tell your father to tell your mom. Since you were sneaking out of the house, I assume you're a minor. If they divorce/separate over this, then it's not something that you are going to want on your conscience. Give your father an ultimatum, and if he won't tell her, then you should.

That's terrible! Seriously, tell your Mom. It's more important that you not getting in trouble, and she has the right to know. Not only for the sake of their marriage and her dignity, but for health reasons... who knows what he could be bringing home because of this. Plus, I highly doubt that you sneaking out will be a priority for her with a cheating husband on her plate, so don't be too worried about that. It just might be better for her to hear it from you than to find out some other way. Though hurtful, she'll appreciate your honesty and support. I'm really sorry to hear about this though. Bless you and your family. Hope everything works out.

americayay 0

you're a bad person if you don't tell her. that and you're selfish if you don't tell her.

OrgasmicRainbow 0
kdaddy 0

that is a truly ****** up situation

I agree with #218, thats a shitty situation. Talk it out with your parents and try to get a marriage counselor. Divorce ain't pretty, at least not for my parents.

rafaelaugusto94 0

Agree with #8 lol your dad its stupid!!