Postman Pat

By Anonymous - 19/06/2021 21:01

Today, I got a callback for a job, asking for an interview. I got very excited but also anxious because it's my first job after graduating from uni. While I was on call scheduling the interview, I realised I'd accidentally applied to the Royal Post to be a mailman. Now I have to call again and explain. FML
I agree, your life sucks 276
You deserved it 1 068

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'm in the USA, and I don't understand. Is that a bad job?

I thought it was a decent job but turns out the median salary for a mail man is only $27,444. That means it pays less than fast food starting wages. For context a good job would generally pay about 3x that.


I'm in the USA, and I don't understand. Is that a bad job?

I thought it was a decent job but turns out the median salary for a mail man is only $27,444. That means it pays less than fast food starting wages. For context a good job would generally pay about 3x that.

Jon Tessler 14

I wonder what the wage is in OP's country. since "royal post" is either in Canada or GB or Australia. we can't base everything off jobs here in the US

Now, now, that's a decent honest job

Yeah but with those wages your basically taking the Nights Watch oath "I shall take no wife, hold no lands, father no children. I shall wear no crowns and win no glory. I shall live and die at my post"

I would suggest that unless you actually have a better job now or a very good chance at a better job - To take the job if it is offered. You can always quit that job if a better opportunity comes your way. In the meantime you will have a steady income. You can keep looking for a better job, just don’t tell your employer or fellow employees about that.

randybryant799 20

How could you possibly not know where you're applying?

Usually when people apply for a job, they're aware of the position they're applying for.