Quel abruti

By Anonymous - 28/03/2023 06:00

Today, I was on a date in a fancy restaurant. I tried to show off my skills by ordering our meal in French, since some of the dishes had french-sounding names. The waiter replied in fluent French and I have no idea what he said. FML
I agree, your life sucks 142
You deserved it 1 213

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ODBeefalo 10

he was calling your bluff... either you did something to annoy him, or he thought it would be funny. generally if you plan to show off, at least top the waiter before hand in some way, get them in on it amd they will play it up for you... provided you don't act like an ass during the date.


ODBeefalo 10

he was calling your bluff... either you did something to annoy him, or he thought it would be funny. generally if you plan to show off, at least top the waiter before hand in some way, get them in on it amd they will play it up for you... provided you don't act like an ass during the date.