Please leave

By Anonymous - 29/09/2010 01:36 - United States

Today, the woman who sits behind me in class showed up. She shrieks in laughter until she has coughing fits every time anything even remotely sexual is mentioned, including evidence in sexual assault cases. Lectures are 3 hours long, twice a week, and I need this class to graduate. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 558
You deserved it 2 584

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Every couple of minutes whisper "PENIS" until she gets kicked out.

SirWhatsHisFace 0

Im gonna go out on a limb here and sugest that she might be on meth.


Oh. Emm. Gee. Really? Move seats, change classes, talk to the teacher about it... You have a few options. More proactive, less cackle. +/-

MissGrinch 4

Hmm... Immaturity? Most definitely. However, perhaps there is something else occurring beneath the surface.

dudeitsdanny 9

Laughing uncontrollably at that every time? I agree, and came in to say something similar. Obviously there is something seriously wrong with her. Maybe laughing to cover up something awful. Either way, talk to the professor. I'm sure she's disturbing others. There was a man, probably in his late 40s or older in my french class who would purposely mispronounce along with the tape. I couldn't hear the actual pronounciation, and he wouldn't stfu. He stopped after I told him to stop acting like a 6 year old douchebag and drop the course if he didn't wanna learn the language. He was covering up for the fact that he was a dumbass, i guess, because he failes every test and got Fs on all the homework. Talk to this woman and ask her to please stop because it is interferring with your studies. If she doesn't stop, tell her off. If she continues, tell the teacher when others can hear, you're probably not alone in this.

dudeitsdanny 9

It's pretty obvious. If he laughs everytime, and doesn't wait for the tape to even say it before trying.. It's a dead giveaway. I forgot to mention the uncontrollable giggling after every word. I wouldn't have said anything if it hasn't been completely obvious. Point of the story was to tell OP what she could do.

Tell her that she isn't in fifth grade anymore.

FYLDeep 25

Last time I started laughing like an idiot in class was one I was in the computer lab and noticed that some guy left his flash drive behind inside the computer I was at. I loaded it up and saw that there was a text file on it called "To Do List". I opened it up and added "Locate Flash Drive" to the bottom of the list of things he had to do. I don't know why but I thought it was ******* hilarious.

KansasCity 0

I hope she doesn't plan to work with victims of sexual assault since she finds it so funny... How old is she 6?

perdix 29

Give her some "cough syrup" and enjoy the peace and quiet. Robitussin might work, but play it safe and make your own cough syrup with Everclear, Vicodin and Lemon Pledge for flavor. If symptoms persist, you may want to add some ground-up peyote mushrooms to the mix. While this might make your class more tolerable, your new problem will be the irritating, persistent customer for your new cough syrup business.

bethanyleigh 0

wouldn't that be a toxic combo with the pledge and all?

perdix 29

Naw, just use a little Pledge for flavor. With any luck, it will make the cackling noisebox nauseous and she'll have to take her eructations to the bathroom.

Why the hell is the word eructation so funny? That was the first time I had ever loled at a comment before.

Sit at the last row next time so she wouldn't have the chance to sit behind you! Lol