Crockery story

By WasteOfOxygen08 - 23/06/2019 04:34

Today, I woke up and headed downstairs ready to do the dishes, when my mom hissed at me to, “go do the dishes!” As I was washing them, my mom stood over me the whole time. She eventually said, “You know, it’s pretty fucking sad that I still have to tell you to do these things.” FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 921
You deserved it 449

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Smithworthy 20

You could’ve said you were actually going to do them, but we both know parents will always take that as an excuse to save face and not the truth. As they say, no good deed goes unpunished


Smithworthy 20

You could’ve said you were actually going to do them, but we both know parents will always take that as an excuse to save face and not the truth. As they say, no good deed goes unpunished

Were you napping in the afternoon or woke up in the morning?? if morning, next time do it before going to bed! Nobody likes to wake up with a sight of dirty kitchen

Possessive behavior is getting more and more common especially in parents. Why can't they like give freedom of mind. And you can tell her I'm not a robot too. It's ok.

Sady_Ct 37

Because most of society these days is a bunch of dumb ***** that does need to be told to use their common sense and do things the right way, like putting tide pods in the washing machine instead of their mouths. At the same time parents don’t need to be a bitch about things like this. If more parents put the effort into their kids when they were younger, instead of palming off responsibility for parenting, or wrapping in cotton wool with no red pen, it would hopefully have a herd immunity affect and smarten the all of the younger generations up, instead of the odd one here or there with the sense to use their brain. Like in the good old days. But I doubt this will ever happen again.

ftpallday666 16