Panic in the streets

By Insane Guy - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, at work, I jumped under my desk in fear of a nuclear missile attack when the firestation next us let out its new awareness siren. I think I'm going insane. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 622
You deserved it 8 045

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Would that even help against a nuclear strike?

Well, when there is a real nuclear attack, you'll have the practice of diving under desks already mastered. And you'll be laughing at all your co-workers with your superior desking skills


Well, at least you know you're completely nuts!!

WhatYouMean 4

How much dumber could people get now-a-days?!

CharresBarkrey 15

How is that dumb? In the 60's and 70's schools used to have bomb drills where kids would get under their desks and wait for further instructions.

Yes for normal missiles and bombs hiding under a desk may be beneficial. However, a nuke would still kill you either from the blast itself or the radiation fallout that comes with it.

xSunnyOlivia 17

Shhhhh... The missiles are coming....

TellMeWhatsDeath 14

Lol so jumping under a desk would help? xP

On an unrelated note nice artwork on the arm there 21 I also dig the hair.... As far as nuclear strikes I would just go outside why survive that extra fraction of a nano second.

Shit I thought it was going to be a zombie apocalypse...

perdix 29

With this kind of behavior, it's not your sanity that's in doubt -- it's your ongoing employment.

We can only confirm your insanity with a series of questions: 1) Do you say "YOLO"? 2) Have you ever done a duck face? 3) Have you ever used "swag" in conversation? 4) Have you ever said "oh em gee" out loud? If you answered yes to ANY of these questions, there are some nice men in clean white coats waiting outside to take you to a nice padded room. And take this pill.

The elephant pill, Horton. Much larger than a horse poll.

1dvs_bstd 41

You could have shit your pants dude... coulda been worse. But if it was a nuclear missile, I think you would die before you even jumped..

Paranoid scizophrenia maybe? If it happens again I'd see a doctor

Why do you think he's schizophrenic? Paranoid? Yes, schizophrenic, no.