There's a lot of them about

By Anonymous - 19/12/2021 05:01

Today, I went on a date with a guy who is perfect in every way, except for the tiny fact he thinks Covid is a hoax created by hospitals to profit massively on selling masks and hand sanitiser. Both my parents died from Covid and my nana is currently in hospital with it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 295
You deserved it 217

Same thing different taste

Top comments

randybryant799 20

Does he really think that the hospitals are the ones selling masks and hand sanitizer? What an idiot.

Hi, If I were you, drop the guy. This denial is just the tip of the iceberg. You will see more other disbeliefs as you get to know him better. BR


wysegirl 24

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This isnt just having a difference of opinion though. When the worldwide death toll is pushing 6 MILLION deaths from the very thing he's saying is a hoax, this isnt just an opinion. Its just like saying the holocaust didnt happen.. we all know it did and we're not exactly going to look favourably on someone who says that was a hoax.

Sorry for the troubles your going through. I suggest better vetting of your dates will save you wasted time and effort. Have the "where are you on the pandemic scale" conversation before the date.

Hi, If I were you, drop the guy. This denial is just the tip of the iceberg. You will see more other disbeliefs as you get to know him better. BR

randybryant799 20

Does he really think that the hospitals are the ones selling masks and hand sanitizer? What an idiot.

Nikki 17

We were just trying our best to stop patients and families stealing them and leaving us without protection from all the other viruses that got forgotten when covid came

No need to bother with a second date. Sorry for your loss.

If he doesn’t understand your position he isn’t perfect for you.