
By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - Australia

Today, I took out my ear cartilage piercing. With my comb. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 500
You deserved it 10 310

Same thing different taste

Top comments

perdix 29

If my ass-hair were long, I wouldn't brush it -- I'd get it shaved or waxed off. Not so much for the vanity, but to combat the dingleberry plague. I guess I'd miss the cushioning when I sit down, though ;(


sallen0046 4

Anyone who gets any kind of piercing is taking the chance it could be accidentally and forcibly removed. Simply be glad it does not require any kind of stitching to return your ear to a normal shape, and get on with your day.

Vfisher89 0

ouch, i totally feel your pain its definitely not ideal

I've done that before and it hurts like a bitch

xRainbowxBloodx 4

Augh just thinking about that hurts DX I'm so sorries!~ :[

rockstardude 0

i have ten ear peircings, four of which fall in my cartledge... i now have the ability to rip them out in my sleep i do not sympathize for you, you wanted the peircing now deal with the pain

FreezeeMonsta 19

pretty much! i only have 5, 1 is on my cartlidge and every time i brush my hair i just take it out, im used to not being able to sleep on my side now =/ I deal with it tho!

so what? that's happened to me a thousand times. stop being such a pussy.