Now we cook

By JAdams - 13/08/2012 00:49 - United States - Newkirk

Today, I walked in on my fifteen-year-old son and his friends attempting to set up a rudimentary meth lab in his bedroom. I'm not sure whether to be angrier that they simply tried this, or that they thought burning up baking soda would somehow produce methamphetamine. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 634
You deserved it 2 945

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Most 15 year olds work on their "math" not "meth" :P

Perhaps they need to refine their METHods, then.


Maybe! And I am just guessing here, maybe he was making a paper maché volcano?

DancinL 14

You can't do that by burning baking soda either...

OP never said his son was burning the baking soda

Wait, yes he did. Stupid short amount of editing time

Trisha_aus 15

No, catch Walt and Jesse Sunday's on AMC to really learn.

i am proud if these kids. they are simply learning chemistry :)

RedPillSucks 31

But they weren't smart enough to go on the internet (yeah, repository of all truths), to research how to do it?

Uh yeah, I'd definitely be angrier that they actually tried this. Chemistry is nothing to play around with. Believe me, I've come into contact with chemicals that react violently with just air or water vapor in the air. Even seemingly innocent compounds have the potential for disaster under the correct circumstances.

Like sodium! It catches fire when you put it in water!

Kitchen-table meth manufacture is dangerous. People have been known to burn down their houses doing it, and the house itself gets turned into a hazardous-waste zone requiring serious effort and money to remediate.

LWhy was 42 thumbed down? Sodium does combust on contact with air or water unless it's in a compound or covered in oil. I knew a kid who stole some sodium from IPC and when his pants ignited, he threw it in the toilet and then our school had one less toilet. Chemistry isn't for playing. Also Meth is bad. It makes your heart "explode."

ant1ion 12

How do you deal with those types of chemicals?

Alkali metals or the compounds to make meth? Alkali metals (and earths) you store under oil typically. I guess you can also turn them into a compound and just do the reactions you'd need to get the end result, but that would leave a lot of unnecessary bi-products and cause a lot of extra work.

TheDrifter 23

Definitely an orgy. Maybe he thought he could burn baking soda like incense to absorb any foul odors?

Trisha_aus 15

I want to laugh at this FML but then look beyond it and picture the OP's son has probably already tried meth. So sad. Look for the signs beyond missing spoons.

Hmm or maybe his demonic cat peed on the carpet and he wanted to absorb the odor and wetness?

Definitely be more mad at the fact they were trying to make meth...