Not you

By Anonymous - 25/05/2021 07:59

Today, I saw that the man who got me pregnant, and swore that if I kept it he'd run away to Asia, and his new girlfriend announced their pregnancy on social media. They both seem to be very happy. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 224
You deserved it 227

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Jon Tessler 14

be the better person, and congratulate him. then block all his social media, so you can't see what's up in his life. keep looking forward and not backwards.


thatslifeiguess7 16

What? I'm confused. Was he your boyfriend or a one-night stand

Jon Tessler 14

be the better person, and congratulate him. then block all his social media, so you can't see what's up in his life. keep looking forward and not backwards.

Hailstorm92 12

Should let the other girl know. If your kid laters finds out an you knew the whole time could be a issue you’d rather avoid

Hmmm, you could be a bitch and say that you thought he'd "run away to Asia" if you continued your pregnancy.