By Too Many Credits - 08/04/2017 20:00

Today, after having too many projects for end of term, I asked to borrow my sister's paper that she used for the same class last year. After submitting it online, I found the example paper that the teacher handed out. My teacher used my sister's paper from last year as an example for us. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 907
You deserved it 13 544

Same thing different taste

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Enjoy that failing grade. There is absolutely no reason to cheat. YDI, big time.

that was stupid. they usually run papers through that plagiarizing app anyways. ydi


that was stupid. they usually run papers through that plagiarizing app anyways. ydi

That wouldn't come up unless the sister's paper was online.

she just submitted it online. her sister took the same class.... so it's safe to assume her sister also submitted it online..... -_-

That wouldn't come up unless the sister's paper was online.

Rivenrock those apps also check for plagiarism from papers that have been handed in before.

Enjoy that failing grade. There is absolutely no reason to cheat. YDI, big time.

Exactly! Better to take a zero on one assignment than to compromise your integrity for the rest of your academic career.

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im sorry to hear that but everyone struggles in school. and its not kuch of an excuse to cheat like that. i hope your in highschool where the worst you'll get is a 0 as a mark and not in university where the penalties are more severe. best of luck

JadeMinu 10

YDI. I dont think it would have killed you to get yourself more prepared for all those projects. You could've started them right when you got them... Been there, done that, and trust me, it's possible to do.

Will this put you in danger of being dragged before your school's Honor Court or of being expelled?

PenguinPal3017 19

Okay, so here's what you do. Lie. You were using a family computer or your laptop used to be your sister's. You accidentally selected her paper rather than your own. Hopefully your name wasn't in the paper or in the filename, but even if it was, more lies. The paper was stored on the computer just called like "history_205_paper" and the last thing you did before submitting was add in your name. You and your sister use the same naming conventions. She taught you how to name files. That is why the filename was what you were looking for. You were just in the wrong folder. You should set up all the evidence on your laptop. Make it look like an honest mistake. You simply uploaded the wrong file.

Good luck trying to not get expelled (assuming you're in college)

You used a paper that was submitted in the same class, to the same teacher? Teachers do have memory, so this plan was doomed anyway. And if your sister's paper got extremely positive feedback, but you were not an exemplary student, teacher would have suspected something was off anyway.