Nooooooo… !

By Nicole Jones - 01/10/2020 22:02 - United Kingdom

Today, after having a hard week, I decided to order a pizza with an expensive milkshake. It slipped out of my hand in front of the lift. It went everywhere. I had nothing on me to clean it up with. Now I’m milkshakeless, down £5, and accidentally responsible for littering my accommodation. FML
I agree, your life sucks 976
You deserved it 159

Same thing different taste

Top comments

So, did it bring all the boys to the yard?

You still had pizza -- I can't feel too bad for you.


So, did it bring all the boys to the yard?

You still had pizza -- I can't feel too bad for you.

OP, does something like this happen often to you (dropping things or stumbling)? If it does the word you are searching for is “klutz” or clumsy. If it this does not happen often then it’s an FML...

im very sorry. it do be like that sometimes.