Monday Morning Blues

By Anonymous - 01/07/2019 14:00

Today, after a rough night, my husband's alarms started going off at 5 a.m. All 4 of them. Old town road, the Skyrim theme, that lady yelling, "I got shit to do today" and bagpipes. I'm awake. He's not. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 976
You deserved it 149

Same thing different taste

Top comments

the beginnings of your murder confession😈

Have ya tried a bucket of water 🤔 works every time 😂


the beginnings of your murder confession😈

Dont know what that "I got shit to do today" thing is, but I want it for my alarm

Have ya tried a bucket of water 🤔 works every time 😂

No. My husband tried. He also tried pulling the mattress down the hall. Me and my blanket stayed nice and comfy. A bomb could go off and I wouldn’t move. Hell, my mom slept through a plane crashing by the house and all the times my dad tried to call to check on her.

If I did that to my wife I'd wake up dead.

I hate selfish people that do that. Just get up the first time! I get up at 3:20am, it's not that hard.

Mathalamus 24

And that is one of the many reasons I'm now divorced.

Sheogorath 4

If I used the Skyrim theme as my alarm I'd continue sleeping and dream that I was killing a dragon. Tell him to use Otherworld from FF10, that shit startles me awake.