By canadiangirl98 - 11/08/2015 03:07 - Canada - Brampton

Today, my friends told me that I'm not invited to the next trip because I'm a party pooper for not getting drunk and staying out late during our last vacation. I guess they forgot that I spent each night taking care of their drunk asses and stayed sober to be the designated driver. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 657
You deserved it 2 090

canadiangirl98 tells us more.

Wow I can't believe my FML was posted! I love this site! Just to elaborate so people get the full picture: We were supposed to take turns being the DD each night but they would be drunk by the time we got to the venue so I had no choice but to be DD. I'm okay with drinking and letting loose and don't get in the way of others fun but these girls were rowdy belligerent drunk and I spent the evening ensuring they didn't get themselves into a bad situation and the morning helping their hangovers. Either way these girls are no longer people I associate with.

Top comments

Sounds like it's time to ditch them and find more appreciative friends - or at least ones that'll take turns being designated driver

Well that sucks, maybe you should find friends that respect your responsible actions


tantanpanda 26

Yea, it's their loss. Why hang out with people like that anyway?

Idk I feel if ALL of them think she's a party pooper, then there's probably more to the story OP might very well be.

Time to find a new designated driver as a friend. Or you know, make use of those magnificent ride sharing services!

Well if you didn't have fun last time, it only seems like a loss for them

nater535 7

Those are some crappy friends.

Ya seriously though. Don't sacrifice your beliefs for people who don't respect you. Good job for being responsible!

Sounds like it's time to ditch them and find more appreciative friends - or at least ones that'll take turns being designated driver

Well that sucks, maybe you should find friends that respect your responsible actions

Well you shouldn't have been the designated driver every night... But still their loss

Why does this have so many down votes? lol If OP had an issue, they should just announce that they aren't DD and do whatever they want. Worst case scenario, they use public transportation. No big deal.

That's very considerate of you, I'm sure you can find some friends who appreciate that. :)

You need friends who appreciate your help

amandathemermaid 19

Props to you for not driving drunk so your friends can have a good time while also ensuring they'll get home safe! You're a great friend.