
By Anonymous - 27/10/2023 22:00

Today, my dad invited me to a bar that turned out to be a brothel, because “it’s pathetic that I’m still a virgin and it’s past time I just get it over with.” I’m not a virgin, I’ve just never been with a woman because I’m gay and still haven’t told my family. FML
I agree, your life sucks 450
You deserved it 190

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wadlaen 23

Well, wouldn't a brothel be the perfect place to have that conversation with your dad?

with a dad like that I can see why... just remember you don't owe him shit! ever!


Wadlaen 23

Well, wouldn't a brothel be the perfect place to have that conversation with your dad?

with a dad like that I can see why... just remember you don't owe him shit! ever!

Ok, um, that's gross. No one, I mean NO ONE should be taking their relative to a brothel. Weird dad you got there.